mommy is having quite a time trying to find a proper home for me. she has some strict requirements which is keeping the list of potential new homes very short. that said, i agree with her on all points. we will still be a family even when they go to england *sniff...grunt...sniff* and locating an appropriate new parent who is also willing to have the mathilda-cam is quite the chore. i've heard her making calls, writing emails, and asking friends and friends of friends.
it is clear that my family loves me a great deal and that our separation is going to be difficult for all five of us. i will miss them all dearly, but i know deep in my porcine heart that [even if the united states would allow me to leave the country] i wouldn't fare well on the trip across the pond. my last voyage in the air was to mommy and daddy, and it was nothing less than terrifying. let's just agree that pigs, and in particular this pig, do not like air travel. mommy said it was a very long flight, and that i wasn't allowed to sit with them anyway!!! maggie and millie have both agreed to be crated and sent over by a pet moving service, but i say NAY to that. so, finding me a new home is the best alternative. i can't even stand the sound of running water, so i think it's safe to assume i wouldn't enjoy a transatlantic flight.
i'd like to retrace my hoofs a bit. earlier in this post i mentioned that the united states would not allow me to leave the country. many of my friends have questioned me about this, and both mommy and i have done extensive research. it is quite true, the united states will not allow porcine exports, even if said porcine is as stunning as myself, and whose occupation is a pet, not livestock. anyhoof, the ironic part of this is that the uk WOULD allow me to enter! with all the mad cow and other animal issues, one would think i had my information back to front. alas, i do not.
none of this kerfuffle even matters when one looks at the big picture:
**family of five: 2 adult humans, 2 young canines, 1 porcine diva
**family decides to move to uk, cannot take porcine diva out of country
**family begins effort to find porcine diva new home
**porcine diva requirements for new home lengthy
**family interviews applicants, porcine diva finds all applicants boring and time wasting
**porcine diva bites one applicant, applicant blood flows freely (mommy TOLD him not to feed me raisins. it was his OWN fault.)
**family puts search for new home on hold while more appropriate applicant pool is determined
so that's me at the moment. oh god, mommy is crying again while entering this post. i will miss her dearly, and she me. but we mustn't let this get in the way of progress. mommy and daddy need to move, and i need to find a home.
new efforts begin again mid-april. i may be able to persuade mommy to post more prior to that date, but if not, adieu mon petites, and i shall return soon!
just in time! daddy is on his way downstairs with the newest installment of fresh carrots. i've been carrot-less for two days now, so it's about time! oooh i can't wait to crunch on my delectable orange carrots!! i must be off now, veggies are being proffered, with an additional promise of a song/belly rub to follow!