Sunday, August 05, 2007

a dreary day but the sun isn't making my life miserable

i do love a sunny day but it has actually been a respite having the overcast sky today. i can root for hours without risk of sunburn or heat exhaustion. yes, rooting is an aerobic activity. one can't overdo it without consequences. mercifully, my sister millie keeps me safe. she knows when to get hydrated so when she takes off in that direction, i follow her to the water and queue right up. i wonder if she is a pig whisperer.

so, nothing of great note has been going on down here. i do miss mummy as she has been busy with school and hasn't visited in some time. i hope her school gives her a break soon so we can take a hike in the woods with my sisters. for now, daddy says she is really busy and that i need to be patient.

the scoundrels that roughed me up last year still have their house on the market. i rarely see a light on in the house so perhaps they have indeed moved away. i am sure every animal in the neighborhood would breathe a sigh of relief, not to mention many homeowners. those dogs were allowed to run around untethered and unsupervised. not really a good thing in a community like this. most neighbors would freak if a dog wandered up and used the lawn for their own selfish purposes. mummy and daddy don't care about that much, they just want their children to be safe and happy. i think not giving a toss about that kind of thing is great, because then one can concentrate on the stuff that really matters.

okay, i need to do a driveby in all the food dispensing locations. maggie and millie are here and they've not indicated any deliveries, but hopefully daddy will appear soon with carrots and elderpigfeed. i love that stuff! it keeps me well nourished and svelte. a vain pig's best friend!

so, off i get. *rubbing front hooves together* i hope there are goodies to be eaten!

adieu mes amies, adieu.

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